Miscarriage Association

The Miscarriage Association is a registered national charity that offers support and information to people affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.

Helpline and support services

Their skilled and compassionate support workers respond to almost 8,000 requests for help each year. Their telephone helpline can be accessed by calling 01924 200799 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. An out-of-hours service (with volunteer peer support) is available until 10pm and alternative contacts are provided outside these times. Help is also available via the live chat feature on their website  and people can also get in touch by email if they prefer at info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk . Their website also hosts a private forum and the charity has both private and public Facebook groups where people can share experiences and seek support. Several support groups also take place in person and/or online around the UK. More details and timings of these groups can be found here.

The Miscarriage Association’s website

The charity’s website is visited over 2 million times a year. As well as a wealth of factual information it also explores the thoughts, feelings, and emotions around pregnancy loss. There is a range of free-to-download leaflets.  

Research and Awareness

Miscarriage Association are actively involved in miscarriage research and they work hard to raise public awareness and understanding of the facts and feelings of pregnancy loss. Miscarriage Association also work with health professionals and public bodies to promote good and compassionate care.

Window to the Womb, firstScan and the Miscarriage Association

We direct many women, their partners and wider family members to them in the knowledge that we are directing them to a trusted and professional source of practical information and emotional support. They offer support at any time but in our experience this support is especially useful during what can be an upsetting wait between an appointment at one of our clinics and a hospital or other appointment.

All staff in firstScan & Window to the Womb clinics are trained in handling the delivery of difficult news and we thank the Miscarriage Association for allowing us to use their specialist training resources as part of this training.