Missed Miscarriage

At firstScan @ Window to the Womb we want you to know how sorry we are that your sonographer has diagnosed a missed miscarriage. The aim of the information below is to try and help you to understand what will happen. Miscarriage can be a very difficult time and there is no right way to deal with all the information you are being given.
Your sonographer should have explained that you need to be referred to the hospital so they can continue to look after you both physically and emotionally. The scan does suggest that you have had a miscarriage but that your body has not yet completed the miscarriage process.

What is a Missed Miscarriage?

A missed miscarriage happens when the baby has stopped developing, but the pregnancy remains in the womb, and your body continues to produce hormones that can still make you feel pregnant.

A missed miscarriage can happen sometime before you are scanned, days or even weeks can pass without you having any symptoms. There are many reasons for a miscarriage and in most cases, unfortunately, doctors cannot tell you why this has happened. Following a miscarriage you may be offered some testing to try and find out why this happened.
A missed miscarriage can only be diagnosed when your sonographer has carefully measured the size of your pregnancy, this may be the size of the baby or the size of the pregnancy sac.

What happens next?

At firstScan your sonographer will ask the clinic staff to refer you to the hospital for an appointment. This may be in a few days depending on when the hospital can offer an appointment.

The clinic staff will ensure you have a scan report and telephone numbers for your hospital to take home with you.

The clinical staff at the hospital will discuss with you the options to manage your miscarriage and will arrange any follow up you require.

What to expect after a Missed Miscarriage?

You can expect to be bleeding for up to 2 weeks, you may also notice the blood gets browner in colour and lighter in flow as the days go on.
Many ladies also experience what feels like period type symptoms. This can include symptoms such as pain/cramping and achy breasts, so it’s advised to wear a comfortable, well-fitting bra until the discomfort subsides.
It is advised not to use tampons for the bleeding as they can increase the risk of infection. However, they are OK to use when your next period arrives. You next period can be anytime between 2 – 6 weeks following your miscarriage. If your cycle doesn’t return within 3 months, then please consult your GP.
It is also advised to avoid sexual intercourse when you are experiencing bleeding, the reason for this is it can increase the risk of infection.
If you develop a temperature, offensive discharge or flu like symptoms then please speak to your GP.

It’s important to know that there is no right or wrong way to feel. You may feel emotional, hormonal, sad or angry and this is completely normal. The Miscarriage Association website has a great deal of information and can offer you any support that you may need.